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Products with David's images are available at our partner shops:


 Order Mousepads, Posters, Coasters, iphone cases and more 


 Order Photo Books

 Featured products:


Add some style to your workspace with one of these mousepads featuring images from David's collection. Available in traditional square or new "gel" pad format.

iPhone cases and covers

Vibrant Case-mate© cases and covers for your iphone 4/4s.


24" x 36" Full color Posters from Zazzle. Order with or without frame, and in a variety of paper options. Larger and smaller sizes available.

All calendars are customisable - you can select the months/year, style of calendar, color of wire ring, and more. 

Africa on Safari

Cheetah, Lion, Leopard and more from the wild of Kenya.

Mountain Gorillas

Endangered Mountain Gorillas from deep in the Virunga Volcano forest bording Rwanda and the Congo.

Bengal Tigers

Highly endangered wild Tigers from the heart of India.



All products are the responsibility of the respective vendors. While we make every effort to select vendors that produce consistently high-quality products, we take no responsibility for the quality of the product or service delivered by these vendors. All orders, inquiries, and/or complaints should be directed to the vendor directly. We do however appreciate your feedback, and we also welcome your suggestions for new products. See an image from the website that you prefer, but that is not currently offered for sale or on a product you like? - Let us know!

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